City of Ottawa – Dovercourt’s biggest partner
Dovercourt believes strongly in working together with other groups and organizations and individuals who share our goals of building a healthy community. Our most important partner is the City of Ottawa, who provides our facilities and some funding assistance.
Community Partners
Dovercourt believes strongly in working together with other groups and organizations and individuals who share our goals of building a healthy community. While our most important partner is the City of Ottawa, who provides our facilities and some funding assistance, we work with our local community associations, schools, special interest groups, and sometimes, just people with great ideas to enrich our opportunities, facilities, and accessibility. Some key partners include:

Automondial Shared Mobility (ASM)

Announcing an exciting new partnership with the carsharing program, Automondial.
Visit the App store or Google Play to download the app, set up an account, and you’ll be ready to book vehicles located at Carling Motors and other dealership locations.
The price, starting at $17/ hr includes fuel, insurance, maintenance and winter tires.
Booking your vehicle is quick.
1. Log in to the app
2. Select a pick-up location
3. Indicate how long you want your vehicle
4. Pick your vehicle
Visit their website for more details: https://www.automondialmobility.ca/
The Carlington Community Health Centre (CCHC) provides a wide range of health, social and community services to residents of its catchment area, defined as the Ottawa River to the north, Baseline Road to the south, Woodroffe Avenue to the west and Island Park Drive/Fisher Avenue to the east, plus the area south of Baseline Road and east of Fisher Avenue, known as Carleton Heights.
We focus on the broad social determinants of health that influence the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities.
February 2025:
We are seeking four (4) passionate, dedicated, community-minded individuals to join our volunteer Board of Directors.
Read the Call for nominations in English and French. (PDF)
Send a resume with a brief letter of interest to board@carlingtonchc.org by Friday March 15, 2025.
• Interviews with selected candidates will be held mid-late April
• All applications will be reviewed however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted
• If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Executive Assistant at

Ferme Larkspur Farm
Ferme Larkspur Farm is an agro-ecological farm that specializes in growing certified organic vegetables and cut flowers. We offer a 20 week CSA program where members receive a weekly basket of fresh, seasonal vegetables from June to October. We offer a convenient pick up location at Dovercourt Recreation Centre. Stay tuned for 2025 details. For more information and to sign up visit our website at: fermelarkspurfarm.com

Ottawa Public Library – Carlingwood Branch
Carlingwood Library offers interesting programs for all ages.